Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Blessings of a Broken TV

As mentioned in a previous post, we are a family of computer nerds.  We all like our games as well as internet surfing. 

The kids have all kinds of systems and gadgets to play with, but mainly they use the big-screen TV for playing their favorite video games, which happen to be (currently), Little Big Planet and anything Sonic.  When Bubs comes home from school, his unwinding activity of choice is to stand in front of the TV and get lost in video game land.

The other evening, however, during a ferocious battle of Sports Champions (gladiator style fighting), the TV went *snap* and then emitted a high-pitched tone which probably sent all the neighborhood dogs running for cover.

Hubby tried inserting a new lamp but the old one seemed fine. Then he looked to the internet for answers and concluded that it must be the "color wheel."  It would be a few days before the TV repairman could get that part and fix it.

So we've been without the TV in the family room for a couple of days, and I have to say - it's nice!  The kids aren't bickering over whose turn it is and they're both finding other ways to occupy their time.  Now granted, they do have other gadgets, but the gaming systems are really the big draw, so without them, they are pushed a little harder to find alternate activities. 

I'm thinking it might be a good idea, after it's up and running again, for the TV to "break" again once in a while.

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